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Take your organization's branding to the next level. Join our upcoming podcast on 1/23 at 1pm EST: Register Here

A Better Brand Experience – For Every Team

March 8, 2023
By Beam

Ask yourself: Do I need a software or a partner?

How you answer has everything to do with your stakeholder experience.

In the past, you chose off-the-shelf, brand in-a-box platforms. Today, you know you need a dynamic, branded experience where your employees, partners, and other stakeholders go to find brand assets, get smart and source dynamic resources.

  • Beam is the dynamic brand asset management choice for leading US and global companies, with almost 1,000,000 combined registered users. The technology to house and provide access to your brand assets is relatively simple, but leading branders understand that the strongest brands are dynamic and must be humanized to engage, inspire, and move people.

Brands come to life through storytelling

And there is a growing consensus that if we have an ambition for all of our employees to understand and live the brand then we must do better than providing a static, text heavy, PDF technical document. That means leaning into re-imagining guidelines into content that can educate, inspire and help different groups of individuals get stuff done.
Look no further than Salesforce’s publicly available brand center (built on Beam) for an example of this idea in action.
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Beam is the perfect solution for complex, distributed, brand-centric companies.

Beam was created by Monigle, one of the largest independent brand experience firms in the country with a 50-year history of innovation. Balancing technology and brand expertise, our Beam team doesn’t “push software.” Instead, we act as a partner to determine the optimum solution, helping clients clarify their brand goals and pinpoint the right tools, people and processes needed to achieve a heightened state of brand governance. And, after implementation, your Beam Team is there to support you in your brand management and engagement journey ranging from ongoing and dedicated client service support and strategy and design to keeping things fresh, to building robust client communities where leading branders can exchange ideas.

Instead of settling for an anemic BAM section within a complex DAM solution, many large companies seek best-in-class solutions to both and connect them via API. In these cases, Beam becomes the single source of truth for all things brand and acts as the front door to their DAM. Users have only one destination to remember. Recent and ongoing Beam implementations with global organizations like Salesforce, Peloton, Optum and Deloitte all follow this approach.

Increasingly, companies have realized that different tools are good for different things. Too many brand teams are still unaware of the need to create a connected brand-tech ecosystem. That’s where you have a few interconnected systems, each one great at doing what they do. DAMs are good for static assets, but when they’re asked to house brand guidelines, these software companies lack the expertise and the functionality to help bring them to life.

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The Beam difference

Here’s a closer look at considerations when comparing Beam versus a typical DAM and why an increasing number of companies choose to add both as a connected brand-tech ecosystem–

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Your size, complexity, use, and understanding of brand will tell you whether you’re ready for a BAM solution.

A phased approach to digitizing brand assets and continually building on the importance of organizational alignment may be right for you. Our first step is to understand your needs and determine how important to you it is to elevate your approach to brand enablement and engagement. If your static brand guidelines are working for you for now, then using a single consolidated DAM may be the best path.

To learn more about companies are thinking through the right approach to their brand management ecosystem and how it might help you, reach out to us via the form below.

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